Class Descriptions

PPY Hot Power Pilates

Level: Medium

Temperature: 93 °F

Like yoga, Pilates increases flexibility, lengthens the body, and tones and strengthens the muscles. This full body workout is a modern twist on mat Pilates principles. At PPY, we like it hot, so we’ve added heat (90 degrees) to drive your power and increase the calorie burn while remaining low-impact. Unlike our power flow classes that encourage ujjayi breathing, your instructor in this class will teach you to breathe in through your nose to prepare and out through your mouth for the resistance/effort component of each move.

Expect an energetic and heart-thumping playlist to drive rhythm-based small to large ranges of movement that will compliment your yoga practice by targeting muscle groups we sometimes don’t use in yoga. You’ll use weights, resistance balls/bands, and weighted bars in class, so grab the props you see at the teacher’s mat to get ready for this fun and playful class. This is not a yoga class but don’t worry, you’ll still get the cool lavender towel at the end of this 45 minute workout!

This class is held at 93 degrees in our Fire Studio. Our infrared heaters work by converting electricity into radiant heat. Unlike traditional heating systems, which warm the air in a room, infrared heaters warm objects and people directly. This is similar to how the sun heats the earth, providing a natural and comfortable warmth.


© 2024 Performance Power Yoga

Performance Power Yoga | 629 Scenic Hwy Suite F, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 | (678) 861-4374

Performance Power Yoga
629 Scenic Hwy Ste. E, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
(678) 861-4374